Working on campus for two weeks

In the last two weeks in February, I worked on campus and it was a lot of fun. This is my third work visit to Wagga Wagga (fourth overall so I’m starting to get the lay of the land) so I thought I’d do a bit of a run down of what’s been like to…

2022 Intentions

My long-time readers will know that I’ve developed a bit of a habit in reflecting on the year that’s been and writing my intentions for the year ahead down. I’m a little late to the party this year as it’s the last day of January and I’m only just getting around to this… Oops! Better…

2020 Goals

It’s that time again! Last year I wrote about resolutions/goals, and I’ve got to say, it set me up beautifully for the year. I made it to the end of the year feeling more like myself, having read 52 books, and with a brand new masters under my belt. I achieved a lot, and setting…

2019’s Resolutions

There’s a bit of a stigma around the concept of New Year Resolutions. For example, if your resolution is to get fit then you’re likely to cop some flack about being one of those “revolutioners” that flood the gyms from the 2nd of January to about the 2nd of February and then never show up…

Instagram Algorithm Troubles

I am pretty active on Instagram. I share: What I’m reading and loving My training progress The animals in my life My thoughts on mental wellbeing And so much more… It’s not my goal to grow my profile into the 10s of thousands of followers, but I do take a small amount of pride in…

I sing because I’m happy

At the end of my blog post “Mental Health Reflection” I promised a follow up about the benefits of singing for depression. Well, here it is! My psychologist suggested to me that as I have a background in singing, that I might like to start singing once a day for at least 20mins. She didn’t…

Mental health reflection

Disclaimer: I’m a little nervous about publishing this, but I’m going to because it’s something I’m extremely passionate about. I have been living as a hypocrite for the last 2 and a bit years, maybe even longer. Since working at Mt A, I can’t even remember the number of students I have told to reach…

Hearts on the line everyday

Disclaimer: the following is a brief discussion about mental health for teachers. Teachers. We put our hearts on the line every day. When Jane is in your office telling you that her parents are divorcing and they don’t have time for her and she’s failed her math exam but can’t tell her parents because they’ll…