Interview with a 19 year old… Part 2

My interview with 19 year old E, a 2nd year uni student, soon turned towards the more traditional popular culture mediums, such as books, movies, TV series and music.  It was again interesting to note the we agreed on many things. When asked about what kinds of books she likes to read, E responded with:…

Interview with a 19 year old… Part 1

When given the chance to interview a young person regarding their interaction with the various forms of popular culture, I couldn’t resist interviewing a 19 year old.  Why? Because I want to know how these teenagers close to my own age feel about all this. There is a copy of the interview attached to the…


You might be wondering, “what on earth is a fandom!”  Well, you wouldn’t be the first to be confused.  Actually, it wasn’t until last year that I fully understood what a ‘fandom’ was and was definitely shocked to realize that I could be called a very minor ‘fangirl’ myself (I do love my Harry Potter…

Let me take a selfie…

Selfies:  a popular trend on social media at the moment.  I am unsure of the appeal of selfies and regularly find myself confronted by such images posted by some of my friends. Whenever I see a selfie posted these thoughts always run through my mind: What is the attraction of posting images of yourself online?…

Bubble what?

The perfect bubble butt. The thing that all girls crave today. It’s interesting to note how times have turned away from the stick-figure body type and back to curves.  Although encouraging girls to shy away from needing to be skinny and promoting a few more curves is certainly a good thing, I have observed that…

What’s popular?

As a young teacher I like to think of myself as fairly up to date with the trends of today. I like to make sure that I read the same books, listen to the same music and watch the same movies as my students so that I can connect with and understand them better. To…

Fight for survival

As a teacher I like to be up to date with what my students are reading and talking about. Over the past few years I have noticed an increase in the number of fictional novels being published that champion the idea of young people fighting against each other in the fight for survival.  The novels…

It’s my life

Young people are living their lives in public at an alarming growth rate today.  As a young teacher in school ranging from prep to year 12 in Brisbane, I am regularly asked by students of all ages what types of social media I interact with and if they can send me friend requests.  This increase…